Saturday, May 21, 2011

Well I planned a Thomas the Tank Train cake for my Grandson and Nephew (thier birthdays are so close we celabrate them together). I did a google search to get ideas and I saw a cake like this one I made. I had a lot of fun doing this cake. I used cereal treats for the sun and the ramp for the trains. I wanted to do the trains in cake or cereal treats but due to family matters I didn't have the time so I bought the trains I put on the cake. My next cake is going to be a Power Rangers cake for the end of June.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Well I want to try to post something at least once a week and today has been a week since I last posted. Spring cleaning time and I am getting ready for a summer yard sale and I have quite a few things so far. I only posted 2 more pictures of cakes because thats all I could find. I am looking for some pictures of cakes I did long before I got my digital camera. Hopefully I can find them while spring cleaning. I will be busy this week making a birthday cake for my grandson 4years old and my nephew 5 years old 1 cake I am planning on making a Thomas the Tank Train cake I hope it come out as nice as my Star Wars cake. Well by for now until next sunday. Maryann

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Decorating Cakes

I love decorating cakes, the pictures I have posted already are cake I've done most recently. The first wedding cake I did was my own 24 years ago this coming October. I have done 5 wedding cakes and 1 grooms cake. I like using buttercreme icing instead of fondant, although I used fondant an a few cakes but never all fondant.